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8 Fun Relationship Building Activities, Take No.3 Very serious

Relationship is one of the hardest area of life to manage, it requires attention and care.

Below are the activities you can make inother to make your relationship from Normal to extraordinary.

1. Plan having fun together
It's important that you make list of fun activities together when you are planning to meet your significant other.

Try new experiences together and share thoughts about that with each other. This is quite simple; for instance, you can plan to go hiking, sightseeing and so on.

2. Sit together to resolve all the issues

No matter whether it’s family, marital relationship, or any other, this particular activity is worth doing.

Don’t let issues sit for longer than necessary. Make sure that you discuss them before going to bed.

Going to bed angry would leave you depressed all night, and the issue gets worsened.

3. Honesty hour
This is one of the relationship building activities for married couples. Try to get an honesty hour, preferably once in a week where you and your spouse can sit together and talk about matters that bother you.

Don’t be judgmental, listen to your partner, try to comprehend their point, and then share yours. Don’t hide anything and speak your heart out.

4. Listen actively
For instance, when your child is sharing something very important to you, listen very carefully.

Avoid using cell phones when your kid is talking to you. This would help them trust you even more, and they’d feel free to share every matter of their life.

When they’re talking, try to make them feel that you’re their friend so that they don’t hesitate while sharing the odd matters.

5. Accepting your faults
To avoid rifts in the relationship, try accepting your faults, and acknowledge your mistakes. Relationship building activities are worth following as they would open up new ways in which you can mend your relationship.

Being stubborn and always considering yourself as the right one would elongate the gap between you and your significant other.

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