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Zara’s Nikah update Monday 26 October 2020 on zee world

Zara’s Nikah 26 October 2020: Update on Zara’s Nikah Monday 26th October 2020, Ayesha brings Kashan and Zeenat. Kabir says what are you doing? Ayesha says I am doing what our Prophet would do, he forgave people who repented their mistakes, Kashan is in pain, he wants to rejoin his family so whats bad about it? Kabir looks on. Amaan says we will eat here. Kashan thanks Ayesha and says I am sorry, I will be your good son now. Zeenat sits on dining table and says we did a mistake, God forgive me. Ayesha says God will listen to you.

Zara’s Nikah update Monday 26 October 2020: Samir says to Salamat that I will kill Irfan. Salamat stops him and says wait. Zeenat says wait for the right time, we will trap Kabir and Irfan.

Amir calls Alina and coughs. She asks if he is fine? he nods. She says make some soup and eat it. He says make for me. Alina says I cant, you go to doctor and take medicine, she ends call.

At night, alina is cooking for Amir and is scared. Zeenat hides and sees her, she thinks what is going on? Alina messages Amir that she is coming. She takes basket and leaves. Zeenat looks on.

In morning, Kabir calls guard and asks him to keep an eye on Alina. He comes to Zara and says dont go to drop Alina. Zara says you keep changing your decisions. Kabir pulls her closer and says you fight with me so much. Zara says I just fight for rights, I love you so much.

Alina is leaving house with basket. Zeenat follows her scooty.

Kabir gets security’s call. He says your sister reached college, we are waiting outside. Zara asks him who is calling? Kabir looks on.

Amir meets Alina in college, she gives him food. Zeenat hides and looks on.

Kabir tells Zara that he arranged security for all family members. Zara says what? He says yes.

Zara’s Nikah Monday 26 October 2020: Amir says to Alina that take me to your family doctor. She says no. He says why? are you scared? take me there. Alina says okay come with me. Zeenat hears all that.

Ayesha gets Zeenat’s call. She says I am at our doctor’s clinic, come here and you can get checked up too, ask Kabir to drop you. Ayesha ends call and asks Kabir to drop her to doctor. Zara says I will come with you both to meet Irfan too. All three leave house.

Alina and Amir arrive at clinic on her bike. Zeenat thinks that bomb will blast today. Alina meets doctor, Alina introduces Amir as Kabir’s friend. Doctor checks him.

Ayesha, Kabir and Zara arrive at clinic. Zeenat meets them. They come inside. Kabir comes in and sees Alina. Alina is stunned to see him. He asks what she is doing there? Amir is lying on bed. He gets up. Kabir glares at him. Amir smiles.

Zara’s Nikah 26 October 2020: Kabir glares at Amir. Zara stops him from saying anything. She leaves with him. Alina goes with them. Alina says I am sorry, he was ill. Amir tries to talk to Kabir but he glares at him.

Doctor checks Ayesha. Zeenat shows her food bowls and says Alina brought these. Ayesha says she made food for Amir?

Amir says to Kabir that I asked Alina to bring me food and to doctor. Kabir drives away.

Zeenat says to Ayesha that Alina was right, they are married, I am sorry. Ayesha cries.

Alina says to Kabir that I didnt do anything. Kabir shouts at her to not say a word. Zara looks on.

Zeenat calls Kashan, Kashan says our game will change, I have fooled Ayesha and now she is tensed.

Kabir and Zara comes home. Zara says you can talk calmly to Alina. Kabir says you think I am wrong. Kabir leaves.

Amir calls aline. Kabir comes to her room and picks the phone. He hangs up and throws the phone. Kabir says I want to talk. Sit down. Kabir says I wont let him do all this. You haven’t done anything. He is trying to use you. don’t let him win that game. I wont let him do that to you. Come with me. Kabir takes alina out. Zeenat smirks.

Zara’s Nikah Monday update 26 October 2020: Kabir shows newspaper to aline and says read. He says a girl was called at him home. She fainted and then he.. He used social media to ruin lives. And the he is after my sister. He says tell me f there is somethin. Alina says bhai.. Kabir says dont be scared of anything. Aisha comes and says my daughter took food for a stranger? She misused our freedom. You wont step out of this house. Zara says but her exams are going on. Kabir says we can’t detain her. He says I trust my sister completely. He gives her water and says promise me my sister wont break our trust. Alina says never. Kabir says to Aisha dont worry.

Aisha prays for Aline. Zeenat and Kashan come to Aisha. Zeenat says we have a solution for this problem. Aisha says what is that solution.

Kabir thinks about alina. He is worried.

Zeenast says to kashan Alina’s life would be ruined or Zara would have to stop this.

READ NEXT: Zara’s Nikah update Tuesday 27 October 2020 on zee world

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